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Please welcome our new pastor
Rev. Owen Derrick!

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The Venice Presbyterian Church is pleased to announce the arrival of a new pastor. The Rev. Owen Derrick, (i.e., Pastor Owen) is originally from Scotland, where he spent the first 39 years of his life before moving to the United States in 1999. Owen then spent four years back in his native Scotland, returning “home” to the USA in September 2019. At that time, he became pastor at First Presbyterian Church of Tekamah, Nebraska. 

Prior to entering seminary in 2003, he spent 20 years as an IT professional, eventually working as a consultant to major banks in the UK and specializing in health care IT in the U.S.  When God brought to life again the sense of calling that had always been a part of his faith but which he had never followed through on, Owen left his IT career to become a pastor. He graduated with a Masters in Divinity from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago in 2007 and served in several churches. 

Owen is married to Dianne and between them, they have a total of five children. Two, in the US and two in Scotland, are all adults, and a daughter who is a junior in high school.  They have seven grandchildren.  They also have a dog, three rabbits, and a horse.

Pastor Owen is seen as an enthusiastic and engaging preacher who offers keen Biblical insight, and he is a pastor who encourages Christians to actively engage with the world around them. The Venice Church congregation invites members of the community to come and be inspired by Pastor Owen.


Adult Sunday School:

Every Sunday from 9:00 - 10:00 AM


L.O.F.T. (4th-8th grade): 9:30 - 10:15AM

Sunday Service:
Every Sunday at 10:30 AM

Sunday Coffee Hour 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM


(513) 738-1317


4244 Layhigh Rd Fairfield, OH 45014


P.O. Box 41 Ross, Ohio, 45061

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